It would seem that three simple exclamation points is all that's necessary to describe the experience of seeing Bocce play live to a pumped up crowd. However, feeling as though the band deserves a more descriptive summation of the effects from their performance, I will do my best to share with you what happens when you are a part of the room during their show.
Try to imagine standing in a bar full of randomly scattered people, casually carrying about conversation, just as friends and strangers tend to do. The people are all content with their surroundings, there is music playing through the house speakers, Dr. Dre if I remember correctly, and while everyone is having fun with whatever it is they are wrapped up in for the moment, there is something else building in the air. While we wait around for what I've been told is a high energy show, I begin to wonder just what that could mean in this environment; no one at the moment seems too amped up or energetic, likely I'm going to lay witness to just another rock show, albeit a good one.
Suddenly and without warning that thin-spread gathering of people goes from scattered to crammed, heavy bass takes over where Dre once stood, your heart and chest are beating through your throat, there is a sudden aroma of a collective body odour meets cologne, perfume and beer, you're reflexes have you dancing, and there's a smile across your face that wont go away. That's how Bocce happened for me.
They are certainly not entirely what I expected. Despite having listened to their albums and myspace offerings, I had no idea it would have been presented in such a dramatically engaging way. Their sound is, well, it's energy infused with digital dance, heavy percussion, entertaining lyrics and catchy riffs. In one word, it's fun.
So, judging by the overcrowded room, their sound is obviously enough to grab a dedicated following, as well as attract new fans solely based on word of mouth; but who are these guys and where did they come from? Well, they hail from Waterloo, Ontario; Nik Must, Mike Bond, Ben Ong and Tony Salomone. Their setup consists of a whack of keyboards, physical and digital, a drum kit and vocals. Beyond that, however, there exists between them an infectious energy that gets people moving and hyped up, leaving us wanting more in the end.
With a few recorded releases under their belts, they have marketed themselves well amongst locals and, as mentioned earlier, have subsequently built for themselves a loyal fan base, including this reviewer and lover of well processed music.
I'd obviously recommend that you scope out their website and myspace pages for a taste of what I'm talking about, but, truth be told, you really need to experience Bocce in the flesh in order to appreciate who and what they are. Solid high rankings from this humble listener.
Keep an eye open for their upcoming and constant tour schedule and happy listening until the next time.
Bocce's myspace jams:
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