Monday, January 10, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Howdy all and a happy new year!

First: my sincerest apologies for the extreme delay between posts; unfortunately my aforementioned computer issues has left me without use of the www for some time now and so I don't get to share all the great up and coming/past experiences I would like to.

That being said, a solution is hopefully in the works but until then I will do my best to post when I can, short as it may have to be.

So, without further ado, let's ring in the new year with a show of shows at the EBar tonight, Thursday, January 5th with Guelph's very own The Magic headlining the event.

As with most EBar events, it will likely be a late show, but worth the wait and the Friday morning fatigue.

Hope to see you there, sorry again for a such a short posting, but I'll be back at the keys soon, on that I give you my word.


The Magic's tasty brand: