First - the continuation of Thai Fighters moves forward with its second installment; can Sombat The Thai Guy pull it off and take the lead in this slow but tantalizing race? We'll soon find out.
Second - March 11th, an exciting day for music as the EBar plays host to Jason Collett, Zeus and Bahamas. I've no doubt this show will sell out so I would strongly recommend seeking out your reservations on the "sooner rather than later" side of things.
Third - Recipes, recipes, recipes. It would seem that I get more and more requests for recipes from my travels and experiences, and so to your requests I will reply. Given that my cravings jump so drastically from day to day, I cannot tell you immediately what I will conjure up for these postings, but I give you my word that I will do my best to make them interesting, hopefully delicious, and far more frequent.
Fourth - the complete unknown. If I knew all that I was about to embark upon within any given time frame, then I fear the true sense of adventure would dissipate into the completely uninteresting. So, for this reason, I can only tell you that I'm hopeful for some unexpected, fun-filled, perhaps mildly harrowing journey on which I can proudly, safely, and excitedly report back on. Only time can tell what this category will hold for us all.
And so without further ado, I depart from this entry and make way to my first listing, towards the road of cut-throat noodles, soups and curries; I take one more step into the fiery furnace of Thai Fighters, to face off against Sombat and his legendary cuisine.
Reporting soon with further results,
Hurrah! Recipes! I'll be interested to try YOUR version of pad thai.